How to sew a Flying Geese
For sewing one Flying Geese (FG) you need:
2 squares eg. 5 1/2’’ x 5 1/2’’
1 rectangle eg. 10 1/2’’ x 5 1/2’’
plus a ruler, marker, cutter, pins, iron, sewing machine
First step:
Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the wrong side of each of the squares.
2nd step:
Take one square and place it on top of the rectangle. Right sides facing together. Wathc the diagonal line. Pin and sew.
3rd step:
Trim ¼‘‘ from the sewn line and then press out.
4th step:
Press seams open.
5th step:
Place the second square on top of the rectangle (right sides facing). The squares overlap a bit at the top center. Watch the diagonal line. Pin and sew along the line.
6th step:
Trim ¼‘‘ from the sewn line and then press out. Press seams open.
final step:
Voilà – you just made a perfect Flying Geese!