5 Facts why quilting is healthy for you
No matter what crafting hobby you pursue, whether quilting, sewing, pottery, drawing, or any other kind of craft, they all have one thing in common - they are good for the soul.
We quilt because we love it, right. But did you know that quilting is actually good for your mental health, physical wellness and happiness? Studies show, that quilting has an impact on your mental health - it can lower your blood preasure, reduces stress, reduces the risk of dementia (yes, that is true), lifts your mood and much more.
FACT #1: Quilting relieves stress and anxiety
Today we live in a very technically oriented and fast-moving world. One task follows the next and we all have a never ending To-do list - whether in private life or at work. For many of us it is difficult to find a moment of peace and calmness. Quilting is one way to reduce this stress. The repetetative nature of quilting may lead into a kind of meditative state, where you feel this “Flow”. This “Flow” feeling calms your mind, reduces your blood preasure and anxiety.
FACT #2: Quilting is good for your brain and reduces the risk of dementia
Quilting improves your cognitive functions. Choosing a quilt pattern, colors and fabrics stimulate your brain. Colors itself hava a positive impact on us. Learning a new technique like sewing curves challenges your brain. You not only have to learn a new technique, you also have to remember it. To sew a quilt you have to concentrate, which keeps your brain active.
FACT #3: Quilting strengthens the hand-eye coordination
Quilting requires precise cutting and coordination. When you cut your fabrics you need to coordinate your hands and your eyes. You improve your fine motor skills by handling all these tiny pieces of fabrics. The same is true for hand-quilting. Just imagine how your hand-quilting would turn out if you are not able to coordinate your hands and eyes.
FACT #4: Quilting boosts your mood
Holding a finished quilt in your hands boosts your confidence every single time. You have conquered all hurdles. From choosing colors, cutting fabrics, sewing all pieces together by maybe even learning a new technique, up to basting, quilting and the final step binding. Finishing such a big project like a quilt is for sure increasing your self-esteem and boosts your mood.
FACT #5: building friendships
I’ve learned that the quilting community is filled with the kindest people I know of. Friendships far beyond national borders. Helping out with tips and tricks. You can meet new people by signing up for a quilting workshop, attend a quilting show or be part of your local quilting group. All around the world you find quilters you can connet with.
To summon up, quilting has numerous positive effects on our mental-health and wellbeeing.
So, for the next time you turn to your sewing machine, your cutting table or your little sewing area, think about this place more as your very own and privat SPA!
Have fun and keep on quilting!